Monday, December 14, 2009

I HATE you Santa!

My office held a Santa party for the children of employees this past Friday. I was one of the party planners, and was so happy that Lucy would be able to join us in the festivities. My Mother-in-Love picked her up from daycare and brought her down to the office where we had snacks galore, presents for the kids, and of course Santa! When the jolly old fella walked in that was it! Lucy made a b-line for the back of the room, screaming the entire way. She wanted nothing to do with him, his jingle bells, or his ho, ho ho'ing. She did finally sit on his lap with a little urging from mommy, but I am fairly confident that she has nothing but Hate for the man in red. I will post a photo when I have a chance. Her reaction was just priceless. Lucy may not like you right now Santa, but I sure do and I know in time she'll learn to love you too!

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