Monday, January 3, 2011

A photo a day?

I have made a new years resolution this year....something I NEVER do. Mainly becuase I think they are promises that we make to ourselves, that we KNOW will usually get broken, and then we throw ourselves a little pity party when it does get broken! This year is different. I got a fancy new camera (a Nikon!) for Christmas, and have decided that I want to TRY - key word here is TRY - to take one photo of the little princess every day. I thought it would be interesting to document just how much she changes over the course of one year. So far, she's stood like a good little girl in front of the same wall every night before getting ready for bed. We'll see how long it lasts....but we're three for three so far! I'll post one photo a month on this site so anyone in bloggy land can follow too! Here's hoping you don't have to throw yourself any pity parties this year! :-)



Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Girl, you are blogging!!! Whooo hooo!!! And, only ONE picture will be posted each month?? One of my bloggy friends would post 7 pictures every Sunday... just a thought. Oh, and I'm going to try to still love you even though Santa gave you MY gift! ;0)

Mrs. NB

Chrisi and Silas said...

heather - don't ou think 7 photos a week is a bit much?!?! That means I am posting EVERY photo that I take of her!!!! I can't do that - I don't have time!!! HA HA HA!!! I LOVE my new camera....a Nikon D300. It's AWESOME!