Happy Mothers Day everyone. Yes, I realize I am a day late, but I was busy being a mommy yesterday! I have had so much fun being Lucys mommy over the past 20 months. It's so hard to believe our little sweetie is almost two! She greets me every morning with a HI MAMA and a great big hug, followed by WHERE'S DADDY? She is becoming quite the little talker, uses big girl manners (please and thank you), runs, climbs, tells us NO, throws fits when it's time to come in from playing outside, eats us out of house and home....you know, all of the things a toddler is supposed to do!
For my second Mothers Day we woke up and decided to surprise my mom with the gift of US at church with her! We decided to take the grandmas to breakfast, and it's not cheap ($22 per person), so we opted not to give them a material gift this year. So, I figured, if I wasn't giving my mother a material gift, I could give her my time. I know it's not much, but I also know how much my mom enjoys her church and how much she wishes I would go with her more often. So we went. I cried during church. Not sad tears, not happy tears. A mixture of both. Happy because I was there with my mommy, and I had my sweet daughter with me, but sad because my moms mom wasn't there with her to rejoice in the beauty of the morning with us. I know she misses her, and I do too. I know that Lucy is missing out on having GiGi watch her grow up, and that makes me sad. Not just on Mothers Day, but every day. ANYWAY, so after church, we hurried off to breakfast with S's mom, step dad, my mom, and us. It was just lovely. The food is always good, and the company even better. After Lucy's nap, we met my oldest, dearest friend Kelli, and her two boys at a park near her house. She's divorced, and didn't really get to celebrate mothers day because, well, it's no fun when you have to buy your own mothers day gift. We had frappuccinos while the boys and Lucy played on the play ground. It was nice, and low key. I wrapped up my day by going grocery shopping like I do every Sunday!
Lucy and S surprised me with a gorgeous 60 inch strand of black pearls and smothered me with lots of love and affection all day long! What a perfect day, surrounded by the people I love the most.
I hope however you spent your mothers day, it was filled with lots of love and laughter.
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